"The Goosecorner shop" is a visual development project 
about a heartfelt story of self-discovery and bonds.
Kell the trainee, works as a staff at Goosecorner Shop; 
Straight A student who didn't have a lot of motivation other to "perform well"; Very insecure of her value and wanted to "climb the ladder" to prove it; 
Deep down is a very loving person, a good listener, and a grateful and loyal friend--though she herself might not agree easily;
 Basically blind without her lens; With a reptilian mutation, can drop her tail and run away if "threatened".
The Mentor and the owner of Goosecorner Shop, a wise lady with a unique insight and approach to guiding youngsters; 
Mysterious and a bit intimidating at first, but very nurturing and approachable;
Believes in seeing everyone as unique individuals. Loves kids, but always scare them away unwillingly...
 Is a devil associated with buttons, with magical power to teleport at will!
The cashier of Goosecorner Shop, best employee (for now);
Nobody really knows who he is or where he is from--eccentric, with refined speech, he seems to have life figured out, and calmly lives in the present. Very reliable and practical, and can often offer advice to anyone, even Ruth;
Annoyingly good at everything. Lead dancer at the park and #1 chess player among the elderlies, and so much more...
Everyday he brings a random bird to work.
The adopted daughter of Mr.Cambell. Her actual name might be Emily, but its Emz for you!
Physically too strong for her age. Carries a big stick but never speaks softly...
Grew up without a caring family, she yearns attention and love, and some times feel very fragile;
She doesn't actually hate kids shows, she just enjoys not liking them.
The owner and the chef of Cambell Deli, right next to the shop;
A legendary adventurer in his early life who roams the Wilderness with no tethers and roots at all, he decided to settle down after adopting his daughter, Emz;
Rough and loud, sometimes with badly timed humor, he struggles with his role as a caregiver and that there are problems in life that can't be defeated with a giant claymore;
He still wanders the Wilderness on the weekend, only to gather the most exquisite food materials for his establishment now!
Please enjoy the mundanities and absurdities of everyday Goosecorner!
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